Friday, June 7

Pack out days

This week has been a busy one.  We had movers here on Monday (less than an hour), but Tuesday was chaos.  Our friends took the kids for the day, 730-6, so we could concentrate on our stuff.  Tuesday was just a bad feeling sort of day.  We'll see when we get to our new home what went missing.  I'm about 150% positive that we'll have stuff gone.  I'll pray that is not the case, but we'll have to wait and see if the packers integrity got the best of them.

Monday morning pack out.  This day was for all the stuff that we would need right away to set up our new house, aka UAB.  It's the same load, 1000 pounds or less.  We had 20 boxes, and our weight was 614 pounds.  The packers were great.  Did what they came to do and didn't expect anything more.  They were in and out in less than an hour.

Monday packers loading their truck

Oh Tuesday.  Dreaded Tuesday.  This is some of the stuff.

After dropping the kids off at our friends, Nick called and told me the movers needed to be signed onto base.  I had to go to the back gate, wait for them to get to the front of the line (8 loader trucks in front of them), sign them in, wait for them to get through the long inspection line, then finally could go to the house and get started.  It was 740 when Nick called me and it was 9 by the time we pulled up to the house.  A lot of wasted time!  I recommended to them to call their next customer before they get to the gate (like 10 minutes out) so they could meet them at the gate and not have to wait so long.  Much easier on everyone.  Or if they were like the big moving company around here, they're wouldn't be a need for customers to sign on the movers.

We showed them around the house.  Everything out (minus a few things, but all in the kitchen) got packed.  They were a bit overwhelmed.  We do have a lot of stuff and I think maybe we'll have a garage sale or something at our next place because we have so much unnecessary stuff that it's ridiculous!  Nick thinks that since we bought the stuff and its in great condition that we have to keep it.  My theory is that we don't use it so why keep it?  I'm sure someone out in the world could use it more than us!  Me, I like to donate a lot of stuff, even really nice stuff.  Nick, he likes to donate too, but he's not as quick to let something go.  Enough on the hoarding rant, ha!

They had everything, minus the basement stuff, packed in 5 hours.

Then this truck came...well I had to go sign him on the base too.  Story of my life.  I love escorting these people on and off base.  I guess I'd rather do it the right way and not chance them doing something stupid under our name if we didn't escort them on and off.
Inside this small truck is 4 crates.  4.  That's it!  They expected all our stuff to fit.  Ha!  Joke was on them!  Our couch wouldn't even fit inside a crate.  It needed a special build couch crate, which they didn't bring.  Now, when we moved here (just Nick and I, no kids) we had 5 crates!  We've had 2 kids (Germany has been good to us, ha!), and they expected 4 crates to work!  Oh, I just laugh at how stupid this company was.  The manager how did the pre-survey didn't do a great job at his "estimations."  
Because our stuff didn't fit in the 4 crates, ALL of our basement stuff and couch went unsecured to their warehouse.  This is where I have a feeling some things will go missing.  Crate rant...done!
The military representative came and did an inspection of the packers.  He was telling us that one of the guys was fired 10 years ago from the big moving company in the area for stealing.  Thanks for telling me this!  I already had a fear that they were putting stuff in their pockets rather than the boxes.  They would randomly come out with Nicks sunglasses on.  Playing with Nick's knives.  Whispering.  Ok, I don't know about you, but when I see someone whispering, I don't usually think that person is being "good" with their intentions.  Then 2 of the guys would suddenly run out and have a smoke?  Yeah, some of my jewelry will be gone and I think an iPod.  It was Sterling's room iPod.  I wrote down the serial number the night before, but totally forgot to put it in the secure pile.  I also didn't even think about putting my jewelry in the secure pile until yesterday.  Oh the things you learn a little too late.

After escorting the men off base, I went to pick up these cuties.  I don't think it's really affected them that we don't have anything.  We're a bit bored at times, but we'll usually sit down and color at those times.  It works.  But I think a new coloring book is in order because our paper is running low and maybe picture books would be more fun.

On Wednesday our friends had their pack out, so we watched their beauty.  It was fun!

We received this lovely government loaner furniture, plus a table and chairs, and a bed.  Xander slept here.  I ended up putting those two chairs in front of the couch so I didn't have to worry about him falling off since the couch is a bit skinny.
Getting Xander to fall asleep has always been a challenge.  It seems like it's gotten worse.  I honestly think it's because he thinks his room is punishment.  Whenever he'd do something wrong, Nick would always say he's going to go to bed.  Now, he'd never actually put him in their, but he'd always say it.  So, I think Xander associates his room as punishment.  Or maybe he's ready for a big boy bed?  Maybe he's not liking being confined by 4 walls of the bed?  I've been able to get him to fall asleep on the couch, on the airbed (that we have set up in the living room for play), and in our bed.  Nick thinks that I'm a pushover.  Maybe I am?  But if he falls asleep within 3-5 minutes of putting him somewhere other than his bed, i think it's worth it.  If we put him in his bed, he will seriously scream for hours.  He won't have tears running down, but he will be beat red screaming!  Not worth it, IMO!
I'm hoping with the move and new house that he won't associate his room as punishment and that he's ready for a big boy bed.  If I was smart, I would have put his toddler rail in with the UAB stuff so we could set it up right away as a big boy bed.  We'll probably have 2-3 weeks in the crib.

Yesterday was catch up day from the crazy week.  First up was laundry.  Kids were crabby most of the day.  Sterling was clingy.  I set up the pool since it was 75 out.  Xander loved it.

Sterling, well, she loved splashing from the outside.  Maybe she'll like a pool by the end of summer?  She was actually surprising because she'd splash it on her face then wipe it away, happily. (Maybe bath time will be more enjoyable now too?) They played for around 30 minutes and Xander was shivering and lips turned blue.  Time to get out.  Neither kid liked that idea.  I guess I'd rather stay in the pool too, more fun!

We ended our day dry and coloring.  They love it when I get down and draw pictures for them.  And I love it too!  So much fun to be creative and see the joy of excitement on a kids face from the simplest things.
It's the little things that make big moments.

Have a great day!

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