Wednesday, June 12

1st night

Our first night going back to using the Ferber method with Xander wasn't terrible.  He actually did well.  Of course he screamed, it was expected.  It didn't scream the entire time.  It was off and on.  All this lasted a total of 45 minutes.  Not bad.  He was out and slept in his bed all night!
I know using the Ferber method is not for everyone and it's a very controversial topic, but we feel it's important for a child to be comfortable in his/her own bed/room.  We don't feel it's bad to let the child cry, scream, fuss, whatever.  It's a self soothing method for them to find their own rhythm to fall asleep.
The hardest part of doing this is for me.  It's extremely hard to listen to him being so upset.  He's a mama's boy, through and just sucks listening to him being upset.

Yesterday nap time didn't pan out too well.  You guessed it.  A new plan!  I'm going to let him nap wherever I am, as long as he falls asleep.  It works.  He naps.  I get a break.  Win win!  In the end, we'll only have to have an upset little man at the end of the day.  Hopefully he'll get used to it quick.  I just don't understand why he goes months to going to sleep fine (fussing for less than 5 min), then suddenly just does not want to go to sleep in his bed.  It's strange!  He's always fussed when we put him down, but longer than 10 minutes is not "normal" for us.  

We did a little happy dance and song for him when he woke up this morning.  I'm hoping this will encourage him that it's okay to sleep in your own bed in your own room and that you don't always need mommy or daddy right by your side.

On another note...we shipped the BMW today.  Now all the major/important stuff is taken care of for the move.  Nick still has some of the military stuff to do, but other than that, we can relax for the next month.  We have just over 30 days.  Every time we see a plane, Xander now says "I go".  Too cute!  I'm so excited to see his face at the airport.  He's in love with airplanes.  He's been on 12 planes so far in his 2 years.  These next plane rides will hopefully be memorable for him.

Have a great day!

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