Wednesday, June 19

It's been a HOT one

The temps have been over 90 degrees for the past 4 days.  Over here, it's been pretty miserable.  No air conditioning in homes.  Fans that blow the hot air around.  Less than 30 days and well have some comfort.  We are expected to have temps in the 60s for the next ten days.  Well except for tomorrow, it will be in the 70s with storms.  But the weather forecasters are never correct over here so we will wait, see and pray that we get the 60s or 70s for the next 10 days.

The kids and I have had a nice schedule with the weather though.  It's like the weather kicked my butt into gear to get moving early in the day (I'm not a morning function kind-a-gal).  I learned that if I take the kids out before lunch (to the park and/or walk) its bearable.  After we get home, I make lunch.  We eat.  We clean up.  Kids take naps.  Mom gains sanity back.  While the kids nap, I fill up the pool on the patio.  I get back to relaxing.  Kids wake up.  Usually Xander first.  He puts on the blue diapers (swim) (no suits necessary)...with my help and then starts playing with the water.  Sterling typically sleeps for another half hour.  She wakes up, gets her blue diaper on and we sit and play on the patio for about an hour.  Kids have Oma and Opa hands.  So cute and squishy.  Bring Sterling in, get dry diaper on and lotioned up.  Xander's next.  Snack/Juice time.  Most favorite time of day i think.  Xander is in love with apples lately so I've been taking advantage of giving them to him since he wore himself out on bananas.  After snack time, we have about an hour of playtime before I start making dinner.  The kids have been loving this schedule.  And so am I!  With not much to do, we enjoy our time outside for about 2 hours in the AM and about an hour and half in the afternoon on the patio.  I like the patio routine because it's shaded and even though its scorching hot, it don't feel miserable because the sun is not beating down on us.  Love love love it!  I'm going to need to find a new afternoon activity because if the weather drops like it's supposed to, I don't think we'll be swimming.  We'll see if its a warm 60 or cold 60.

Looking forward to cooler temps :)

Have a great day!

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