Monday, November 22 I come

Oh I'm so excited, in the wee hours of the morning, hubby and I will be catching a cab so we can get to our departure point to be on our way to Italy.  We are taking a 6 day tour all around Italy, I'd prefer not to say exactly where until after the fact. 
Today has been filled with trying on clothes, making sure I liked what I was packing was huge, it took 2 hours!  I finally finished that, just in time to chat with my sister.  It was a brief chat today as I had to continue packing all the other necessities, I'm still not done by the way.
So I've also been feeling really bad because I haven't been having time to chat with my other sister.  It saddens me, and I hope she don't think I'm mad at her.  I've just been super busy and we seem to never be on at the same time anymore.  Hopefully when I get back from the trip, things will be calmer and I can have a nice chat with her also :).   I also want to catch up with my friend in Boston, we seem to have a lot to talk about lately, but like everyone else, she's been pushed to the side.  Oh the guilt I'm feeling for neglecting friends and family.
Adoption info:  well I ordered our ND child abuse clearances, for some reason I forgot.  I think I was thinking because BCS had them, AA could get them from them.  But with the whole situation that happened a few weeks ago, I decided I better order them an official copy also.  Hubby and I filled them out Friday, scanned them to my sister, and she put them in the mail for us since it's in the same town as here and it will arrive much faster.  Then I sent her the original signed copies in the event that they notice they were scanned.  Oh I pray that it will go through just as they are and that AA receives both VA and ND CPS clearances by next week.  It would be awesome if they received them this week while we are away, but with Thanksgiving, I'm not going to hold my breathe on it. I come!!!  I'm so excited!!!   (hoping I don't get sick on the bus though)

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