Friday, March 13

Five on Friday + Friday Favorites

Happy Friday the 13th!  Hope you day goes as planned and nothing unexpected happens.

Linking up with Darci, April, Christina and Natasha from Five on Friday AND this week I’m going to add on Friday Favorites with Narci, Erika, and Andrea

Why two different link ups?  Well, I’m hoping to start following new moms (or dads) with interesting blogs.  Just what I need, right, more blogs to read.  I love reading blogs and learning new ways to do things.  It would also be awesome if I had new followers, it would bring the interest of blogging our projects and everyday life again.  So, if you’re new here, WELCOME!
Let’s move onto my favorites from the week..

{ONE}  Look at this sweet comparison…my little babies and now big kids!  I miss the baby days and pray it don’t take 10 years to get pregnant again (only 7 left, ha!  but who’s counting?!)


{TWO}  This girl makes me SO proud.  She’s been a little stinker to potty train and last Wednesday she came home from school and everything clicked and the birds were singing!  She’s been in undies since Friday with NO accidents.  Who is this child and where did her determination finally come from?  I’m so glad we’re not stressing over this task anymore.  She’s pretty excited about it too and waves “bye-bye” to her poopy every. single. time.


{THREE}  Sleeping babies.  Have you ever looked at your phone (or camera) and notice you take a zillion pics of your sleeping kids?  I do. I admit.  I love sleeping babies.  They are so peaceful and innocent.  I don’t ever think I’ll ever taking them.  Okay, maybe when they are teens it won’t occur as often.


{FOUR}  Warm weather.  Like 70 degrees warm!  This weather makes my heart happy.  And somehow it can make a mood happy too.  That winter frump was so happy to leave.  We’ve played outside everyday but two days because some days I just had to get chores done on the inside.  Kids don’t understand.


{FIVE}  Veggie Straws.  Have you had these babies?  I’ve always been scared to try them. They don’t sound good, but man, they are my new favorite addiction.  I got a huge bag from Sam’s Club for only a dollar more than the small bag at HyVee.  Score on that find!  Xander even loves these.


{SIX}  Spring Break and Birthday Prep.  Sterling turns 3 on Tuesday and Xander turns 4 seventeen days later.  Since I’m on spring break this week from classes, I thought it would be perfect to get that shopping done.  I decided Tuesday would be the run around day to get it all done.  Sterling had other plans though.  Sterling has decided in the past two weeks that she does not enjoy going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  When I went to drop her off, she cried and clung to me so tight.  I decided not to push her inside and just take her with me.  We had a fun time, but I didn’t get presents bought as planned since she was with me.  I’ll go this weekend while Nick is here to watch them.  I was able to run to the cookie store to get some premade dough to try to make her cutouts.  We went a bunch of places, just no birthday presents.  I was able to sneak in some Minnie Mouse clearance plates, napkins, and banner in my cart from Target though.  I had her distracted with a windmill from the dollar spot.  She took a great nap in the car too. 

Sterling and mommy day

{SEVEN}  Spring cleaning.  I started cleaning out my closet.  What a nightmare!  What do you do with your good conditioned clothes that you just don’t want anymore?  Are there any adult consignment shops?  I normally just take them to goodwill, but wonder what my other options would be.  We have accumulated so much crap that it’s time to downsize our wardrobe and storage room crap.  Kids will be on spring break at the end of the month so I’m hoping to tackle the basement storage then.


Have a great weekend friends!


  1. A blogger I follow uses thredup for her kids clothes. Maybe check if they take adults too.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely check it out...too bad I just dropped off 5 extra large bags to goodwill this weekend :(
