Monday, March 30

Weekend recap

Our weekend started on Thursday and it was a good one.  Hubs had five days off from working overnights and surprising we all have our heads still.  Too much time together with different parenting styles does not do us good.  But we survived and had a good time together.  All five days.

Thursday Xander wanted to go to school and since he didn’t give me any signs that he was sick (no fever, no bathroom runs, no throw up), I decided that he should be okay.  At preschool he had Muffins for Moms, so I stayed with him the first 30 minutes and he showed me his favorite toys, ate a muffin together, and I asked some questions for a sheet for the teachers.  One question was, why is your mom special? (something like that).  He amazed me with his answer and he said “because God made her.”  Smart boy.  Another question was, what does your mom like to do?  He said “homework.”  No buddy, I don’t like homework, but yes, that is what I’m ALWAYS doing it seems.  Ugh…I hate that he thinks I like homework.

We started our night by playing Jake and then headed to Sterling’s room to play Barbie’s. 


When I picked the kids up Thursday afternoon it started their spring break.  Parents night out was supposed to be Friday night, but two teachers were sick so they had to cancel.  Here’s where I feel bad.  Was Xander really sick and I should have kept him home?  Hubs and I actually had a date night planned (for the first time in forever!).  I was excited.  We enjoyed drive through. 

I received my Zulily package in the mail.  I ordered Sterling a full size American Girl doll and two bishop dresses.  The doll she will get at Christmas and I can’t wait to put her in the dresses!  Perfect details for spring. The pink dress was supposed to come with a blue bow, but the bow was not with it so I emailed Zulily and they refunded the whole dress price plus gave me a $10 credit to the store.  I was not expecting that since it was only the bow missing.


Saturday I had a thirty-one party and ordered a bunch of new bags.  So excited to get those in!  I ran some quick errands and then got busy on homework.  Boring Saturday.  The kids and I rented the new Annie.  Xander didn’t sit through it like he does the original, but still seemed to enjoy it.  I enjoyed the movie but still prefer the original.


On Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and Xander a fever.  He complained of his neck hurting all day (throat?).  We watched the new Annie again, but this time, Smushy took a nap…which is a sight I don’t see enough.  I wish I’d get regular naps out of him and Sis without them needing to be sick.


Have a great day and now I need to get ready for some important company that comes in a few days!

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