Tuesday, March 11

Where's "Pai Pai"?

In the garbage!  "Pai Pai" was Sterling's term for her paci.  For the past 2 weeks while she's been teething and sick she's been attached to that damn thing.  Yesterday I was tired of seeing her walk around with it while we were playing outside.  I told her to take it out of her mouth.  She did.  I told her to put it in her pocket.  She didn't want to.  She held it up to her chest and covered it with both hands and said "mine".  I said if she don't put it away I was going to throw it in the garbage (I wasn't really going to, just a threat to get her to do what I wanted).  She said "okay" in her loud perky way and proceeded to go inside.  She was happy, trotting with a smile as she quickly ran to the trash to throw it away.  Does she really know what she just did?  One week before she turns two, she decides it time to part with her soothe?  Crazy girl, but so proud!
I was terrified what our night was going to look like.  She cried and screamed for 15 minutes.  I went in to calm her down by rubbing her belly for about 5 minutes.  After I left she cried for only 2 minutes and was out.  I didn't expect her to sleep all night, but she did!  She didn't wake up looking for pai pai.  I know its only day one, and it most likely going to get worse, but hopefully she'll adjust.  
As she was screaming last night, Nick wanted me to go get the emergency paci.  He said "we can just try this again when she's 8!"  He's crazy!  I didn't go get it and she slept like a champ after falling asleep.  Like my sister told me, it's harder on us parents.  So true!

Next up for this house is transferring her to a big girl bed.  I don't want to, but know it's coming.  The other day during nap time she was caught hanging on the rail screaming her head off. She's trying to get out.  Escape from the Alcatraz!  I think because she's been trying lately that we need to switch her before she actually falls.  I'd love to keep her in Alcatraz until she's too long for it, but we all know that's not going to happen.

She's going to be TWO in six days!

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