Sunday, March 9

March: Week One

We spent the first week of March being sick.  I swear we are a rotating door when it comes to being sick.  It never seems to end and every other week we have at least one under the weather.

March 2nd:  Story time before bed with daddy and their favorite book, Max and Millie

March 5th:  We don't get this sight too often anymore so Nick found the need to take a pic.  Xander has also found interest in giving Hawkeye his cologne bath when he comes in from outside.

March 6th:  Sterling stayed home from school today.  She wasn't eating for 2 days and I decided that I needed her to have the option to eat when she wanted just to get her to eat.  So she stayed home and we ran errands.  First up was Pet Smart to look at the fish...okay, not really to look at the fish but to get some doggy supplies.  Next up was Toys R Us.  I wanted to look for Xander some birthday gifts because right now we have no idea what to get for him.  I did pick up 2 costumes for him. One a fireman and the other a construction worker.  He tries his hardest to put his sissy's tutu's on, so he needs his own dress up, boy style! After we picked up Xander from school, I had the kids color some thank you notes for their great grandma.  These kids LOVE to color. 

March 7th:  Both kids stayed home, both with diarrhea.  Perfect day for coffee and a picnic.  Cameron's Breakfast Blend is my absolute favorite coffee.  I just LOVE it!  Seriously make a special trip to a grocery store just to buy this coffee.  Because why would all the stores not carry this stuff?  I also made some Elmo cake pops.  In my typical fashion, I googled imaged cake pops and found these awesome babies and just knew I had to give it a try.  It was so easy!  We couldn't end our day without a meltdown though.  Sterling and I ran to Walgreens to get some pedicure tools.  Picked up some new nail color too and Sterling loves her fingers painted.  She keeps staring at them, lol.  Daily life rocks!

March 8th:  The calm before the storm...literally!  We enjoyed a semi lazy morning, then headed out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse, then headed to the outlet mall to look for the kids some summer clothes and a new dinnerware set.  The kids fell asleep in the car, of course, so when we got to the outlet, I just ran out to look for new shoes.  I got 2 pairs, the kids each 1.  Went back to the car and they were still sleeping but woke up when I put the bag in the back of the car.  I told Nick about the sale at the shoe store so he went and found a pair and Sterling got another pair.  All hell broke lose because Xander wanted a ball and Sterling wanted to be held.  We were going to run into the Corelle store, but that wouldn't have been smart so I'll be going back.  By myself!  So we headed home, which was actually good because my stomach was having a thunderstorm.  Not a fun way to end such a fun day.

We were supposed to go see my dad today because he's in the region but I woke up with my stomach still in a thunderstorm.  I hate feeling like this and hope tomorrow I will be feeling better and we can still drive up and see him before he heads back east.  

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