Monday, March 17

2nd Birthday

Today we celebrated Sterling turning TWO!  She's growing up too crazy fast, right before our eyes.  She has a heart of gold and is the most loving and carrying toddler around.  She's a protector.  She favors her mama.  She's a heavy runner, ha!  She's a princess that will wake up and put her tutu on and twirl around all day.  She has her mama's personality and is usually found smiling and can get pretty loud when she talks.  She's a picky eater.  Loves shape macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, ketchup, and juice/water.  She also loves most fruit and demands to eat an apple and banana each day.  She likes cooked carrots and green beans.  She has to pick out her shoes most days, which can be a challenge because she'll look tacky with outfits that don't match, I lose that battle.  She loves to try on's already started, AH!  She stomps her feet and throws herself to the floor when she's upset.  She cries easily and is very sensitive, just look at her the wrong way or use a different tone in your voice...hilarious!  She plays great by herself when her Bubba's not around.  She loves school and her teachers, Ms. Kelly, and Ms. Ruth, Ms. Ariel.  She loves sleep.  She's been pacifier free for a whole week before she turning TWO.  She loves being chased and loves chasing others.  She has some pretty stellar manners for a two year old!  She's a TWO year old and STILL my baby, always and forever!
I'm sure I've forgot something but my head is in a fog and I'm exhausted.

Today we had an unusually busy Monday.  Kids were up at 605!  They played with Sterling's new baby's toys.  We were out of the house at 930 to go to the gym.  Back home at 11.  Made lunch, ate, and rushed back out the door for Sterling's 2 year well baby.  After her appointment we went downtown to my brothers and let the kids play for 2 hours.  Came home, made dinner, Skyped with Opa, opened the rest of presents, sang Happy Birthday for the umpteenth time, she blew out her candle and we ate cake.  Kids in bed at 8. What a day!
Our Monday's normally consist of us staying home and me doing 7 loads of laundry.  And lately an afternoon trip outside.  That's it!  Next week, hopefully!

I'll post more pictures later, I'm ready for bed!  I think it's safe to say that she knew she turned two and that it was her Birthday today.


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