Thursday, May 31

Taking it all in

I love summertime.  I love the sun.  I love the early sunrise and late sunset.  I love being outside.  Summertime allows me to enjoy myself.  It's felt like summer has been here for the past 2 weeks.  You see, living in Germany and having a "real" summer is not ideal!  It's NOT any fun when the temps get mid 70s and higher.  It's miserable outside AND inside.  Germany is most fun when the temps are in the 60s with sunshine.  It's not miserable, it's not cold, and its not's "perfect" in my eyes.  Because we've been in the high 70s and 80s for 2 weeks now, I've been praying for some cooler days.  Even rain.  I HATE rainy days, but I'm asking for it to cool us down some.  It's in the forecast, however, the forecast is usually NEVER right over here.  I'll keep praying though.

We've been enjoying some nice long walks.  Water playing is Xander's favorite.  Lately he's not enjoying sitting in the stroller for the walks.  He starts fussing and wanting out to walk himself.  So young.  Mr. Independent.

Finally a picture with both kids

This picture has a story.  We went to the lake with some friends on Monday.  We were getting things set up so we could have a picnic lunch and I decided to take a picture of the kids on the blanket.  As I was taking the picture you can see the baby sitting up touching Sterling's head.  Well this sweet innocent baby was pulling Sterling's hair.  If this camera was not a point and shot and I had to actually view the scene before taking the picture, I would have seen this.  Well as soon as I snapped this picture, Sterling was screaming.  I mean screaming! I dropped the camera and realized sweet Lily had a handful of Sterling's hair.  She's alright, maybe had a headache for awhile? 

And this...this is Sterling's favorite position to sleep with her daddy. 
Sterling has been a mess lately.  I'm thinking it's from the heat.  She's spitting up a lot more than usual.  Eating less (getting 26 ounces compared to the 30 she used to), but eating closer together.  Only wants to be held outwards.  Very demanding little girl.  Wants what she wants long before she "asks".  Keeps me on my toes.  I have to admit that she had me stressed out from 1 month to her second month.  I realized that she can sense my stress, and when she does, it just stressed me out more.  So, I have learned to be calm and chill around her to keep her calm.  So far, it's been better.
Xander has been clingy.  I think the jealousy factor has finally kicked in for him.  At night before bed, he wants me to hold him and he'll drink his bottle.  Before, he's always sat in his highchair, then off to bed.  Now, I have to hold him, calm him down, then off to bed.  Maybe he sees me holding Sterling when she drinks her bottle and wants the same?  These kids confuse me some days.  Lately he thinks he's too big to take naps.  He definitely needs them though, no doubt about it.  I'm fighting tooth and nails to get him to sleep.  Like now, he's supposed to be sleeping, but he's gagging himself so I go in there.  He's been "trying" to sleep for the past hour, but just plays...most recently, gagging is added to his nap time.  His schedule has been thrown off, and it's probably why he's been acting out.  He's started watching learning videos.  I'm looking into getting him flashcards, but just not sure what type for his age.  What should he be learning now?  We're working on colors, ABCs, body parts, playing with toys properly, outdoor things (his favorite), and music time.

I'm hoping once Sterling gets on a schedule, life will get back to normal.  Right now it seems like our days revolve around Sterling and her temperament.  I think Xander was between 3 and 4 months when he was really set on a schedule, so I'm hoping soon, Sterling will be too.  We have a great night routine/schedule with both kids, but having a hard time during the days.  It's my fault, I know.  I want to do so much.  I hate being stuck inside so they can be on a schedule.  I try to work around the nap times, which normally it works out fine, but I think it's wearing Xander out.

School started on Tuesday.  I haven't had time to look further than the syllabus.  I have to find time to get my work done before the weekends without taking my days away and the kids getting ignored.  Being a full time mom and a full time student will prove to be challenging.  But, I can do it. 

The past few weeks I've been horrible at taking pictures.  Hopefully I'll get better soon.  We have friends coming in tomorrow evening so maybe I'll get a few shots with the kids playing or something.

Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes.  I forgave Nick the same night, as usual, but I will never forget what he did :)

Have a great day!

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