Friday, May 25

Happy Birthday?

So today is my 32nd birthday, but was it so happy?  It was until hubby came home.  My day was going great, kids in a great mood and I was in a great mood.  The kids and I went to our friends house to hang out then go on our daily walk we've been doing.  That's been a great mood booster for me, hanging with my friend being able to chat about whatever.  After the walk, the kids and I had to run to the store for a few items.  I put the kids down for their nap, then I got started on these birthday cake cookies I saw.  They smelled really good.  They looked really good.  I was in the process of frosting the cake/cookie to make into a sandwich cookie.  That's when hubby walked in.  "It smells like cupcakes in here?".  He walks around the corner to the kitchen and sees what I made and says:  "looks like we'll be throwing those away!"  That's where my mood reversed.  I don't even want to look at him right now.  It's my birthday and that's what I wanted for my sweet treat.  I tossed ALL of them in the garbage. 
A little back story now...we're trying to lose weight, so he's always trying to control and make me feel guilty for every little thing I want or eat.  Yes, I need to lose weight, I know that.  This is the moment where I'm tempted to starve myself like back in '99 when I hated my body.  Would that make him happy?  I'm sorry that I LOVE sweets.  I'm sorry that I feel like I have to have a sweet every. single. day!  Sure, I want to NOT eat sweets, but it's not realistic for me.  Should I be like him and eat only dinner?  That's NOT healthy!  But he thinks it is because he's only eating once a day.  That's just plain stupid, in my opinion.  Yes, I'm hoovering around my pre-pregnancy weight and would love to go about 20 pounds lighter.  One day.  One day I will be there.  Until then, it will be a struggle.
Whenever hubby makes me feel guilty about my food choices, I get all emotional and don't know what to do.  I'm usually irrational, doing what I'm not supposed to, or know that I shouldn't.  Should I be the type of person that hides food to eat it?  That's not healthy.  I just don't know what will make this man get off my back.  In a way, its good that he's so critical on what I eat and buy, but today? 

Sorry for my vent...

On a happier note...Sterling is rolling from her back to her stomach already.  She's done it 3 different times today.  That's scary.  Xander didn't accomplish this task until he was nearly 8 months.  She's only 2!  I'm hoping it will be a fluke and only happen today, but "mama hercules" is destined to accomplish great things early.  She's also been loving laying on her floor mat this week and not loving her bouncy.  With the hot weather, we're back down to 4 ounces this week so she can hydrate more often.  Today Xander fell asleep in the stroller on our walk.  That does not ever happen, so I thought it was great.
I did get the birthday cards I'd hoped for.  He even wrote with crayons on the kids'.  It was sweet. 

I hope you are having a great and fabulous day!


  1. Happy Birthday! I love my sweets hard to control. Sounds like you had a good day with the kiddos though! What a gift!

  2. I'm like you~ I have a major sweet tooth and have to have them daily! I would not be a happy person without them. My hubby doesn't understand that because he's not a big sweet eater. I'm sorry your hubby didn't let you enjoy your treats on your special day. Here's hoping he'll make it up to you!
    Happy birthday! (I'm right behind you... I turn 32 in July.)

  3. I hope hubby does something sweet to make up for losing your sweet treat on your birthday. I'm glad the kids were sweet to you. :)

  4. Oh, Bridgee...{{{HUGS}}} I'm so sorry your hubby was so rude about the treats. It's your birthday! Keep your chin up. I say you make him re-make them for you to make up for being such a Jackson!
