Monday, May 14


Are you ever so tired that your eyes burn, hurt to open, body aches, and head is pounding?  That's me today.  It was a rough night last night.  Xander woke up at 130 screaming and didn't go back to sleep for 2 hours.  With him crying for 2 hours, I was worried Sterling was going to wake.  She didn't, thank God!  It would not have been good if both babies were up in the middle of the night.  I think Xander's molars are bothering him.  All four are coming through.  1 is 90% though the top, another is just starting to come through the top, and the other two are poked through on the sides.  They seem to start on the sides then poke through the top...anyways that's what I've noticed with Xander.  Today I had my post baby appointment to make sure I am healing well from delivery.  Everything is great. 
Hubby had planned to come home and watch the kids so I wouldn't have to take them, but work got in the way and he couldn't leave.  I don't get upset, it's just nice not to have to run around with them.  But since I enjoy taking them out, off to my appointments we went.  But in order to get out the door, it takes about 3 hours to get us all ready.
Xander does not enjoy sitting in the stroller when its not moving, so I figured we'd have a little "moment".  I was right.  It was a moment that lasted the whole appointment, and when he starts his moment, it gets Sterling all rawled up.  Now I have to kids screaming.  Joy.  Pure Joy.  Once the appointment was over and we started moving, the both were quiet as can be.  Oy!  When we got to the car, both kids were fast asleep before we left the parking lot.  But I had to go to another clinic about 20 minutes away to finish the appointment, so Id have to wake them without going to their beds to finish the naps.  I hate when I have to do this because Xander values his sleep and is not a happy camper when its interrupted. 
I didn't get the opportunity to work on finishing Sterling's bow holder today.  We didn't get home until 330, then it was time to chat, clean up, and start dinner.  Maybe tomorrow?

As Nick're so exhausted you have time to post a blog?  Yes hunny, this is really important...LOL

Hope you're having a great day!

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