Friday, January 18

Friday Favorites: Game Nights

Happy Friday!  Man, was this the longest week ever or what?!  I ended up getting sick on Wednesday and it hasn't gotten better yet.  All activities are done for the week so now we can relax and stay home.  Hopefully it won't take all weekend to start to feel better.  

We've been loving game nights around here.  Every night we're playing something.  Lately, our favorites have been The Game of Life, Set, Twister, and Sorry.

My car is blue, Sterling's is yellow and pink, and Xander's is green.  Car fulls!

Now if this belly laugh doesn't show you how much fun we have, I don't know what will.  We have the best time!

We love playing Set.

Sorry is an old time favorite.  It never gets boring.

Twister is a new favorite for these two monkeys.  I told them I was too old to play this game so they happily gave me the spinner and said I could just spin for them.  My favorite 😉

Playing games together at the end of the night is our favorite!

Onto non-game favorites.  Have you seen Ralph Breaks the Internet?  We loved it!  So so cute. #latetothemovies

Enjoying a coke at the movies is his favorite

Munching on popcorn is the best part of watching movies.  Right?!

I've been having a hard time sleeping for the past week or so and this tea has been helping me wind down.

I saved the best for last.  These are my favorite 'chips' lately.  I really enjoy a half sandwich for lunch and chips, well now I found a better alternative to my typical chips.  These are soo good!  Xander loves them too.

What are some of your family's favorite games?  

Have a great weekend!

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