Thursday, November 10


Well Xander came down with the gastroenteritis bug somehow.  We were out on Monday and Wednesday since we've been back, so I suppose him just touching things then putting his hands in his mouth will do it.  His poor bumper is so red!  The rash has increased with each runny diaper.  This all started on Tuesday evening where he had 2 runny diapers...but he slept 7 hours that night without any runny diapers!  Wednesday he woke up and was fine for an hour or so then it started again.  He had 4 throughout the day, then at 9pm he had the poopies every 2 hours all night long.  I decided to give the nurse a call and see if it was just teething or something more and she said it was most likely the virus going around because there have been many complaints of it.  She gave me some home remedies and since he's eating fine and peeing normally, nothing to worry about now.  We just have to let this run it's course and watch for dehydration.  Poor baby!  I feel bad for his little bumper as it's so sore from the rash that has developed.  So for now, we aren't using wipes...we rinse with warm water in the bath; we give 2 baths daily with baking soda in it and let him play for 10 minutes; keep putting ointment on to act as a barrier from the wetness; keep feeding him normally; add yogurt to his diet to get rid of the bacteria that is growing; and let him be naked for awhile after diaper changes, the more fresh air, the better. 

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