Wednesday, November 30

Tickled PINK!

Today was the anatomy scan to get all the measurements and status of the baby growing inside me. Since there were "no boy parts obvious" as put by the ultrasound tech, she said she was 98% sure it's a girl. Since I'm so far along, 25 weeks 3 days, she said the boy parts would be pretty obvious by now. She measured a day ahead of my gestational age, weighed 1 pound 13 ounces and has lips and nose just like her daddy. It was amazing seeing her finally on the screen. Just when I let one worry out, I'm sure another will creep into my worried mind. She's growing beautifully and looked healthy, but won't find out for a few days. Just hoping I don't receive a phone call from my doctor, then all is healthy and good with the baby. I also learned today that the reason I haven't felt much of her movement is because I have an anterior placenta...which is cushioning the movements for now.
Since the middle of October I had a feeling it was a girl, but still thought it was a boy. So I almost cried that it's a girl because I prepared myself for a boy. I'm thrilled and excited Xander is going to be a big brother and protector to his little sister. I'm going to have a hard time resisting the urge to buy all the cute bows, hats and headbands. I'm undecided if I want to do anything special to her nursery, not even sure I will purchase a bedding set since we don't even use Xander's for him. If I do, I have learned that most of it won't be used so don't spend a lot. I thought about just buying girly sheets and blankets and calling it good. We'll see if I can find a good deal on anything.
Now we just have to come up with a name.

Have a great day!

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