Wednesday, November 23

That kind of day

Today was...that kind of day.
Baby was clingy all day. Wanted to be held all day. Didn't want to sit to be held, had to be standing up. My head is killing me and my back is miserable. The only way to keep him calm was by holding him walking around, or else it was a scream fest. I doubt he will sleep well tonight, nothing else went right today, so why sleep? This new tooth coming in is putting him in so much pain. Oral jel is not working, teething tablets didn't work, and Tylenol is doing nada also. Poor baby! I wish he would let me comfort him sitting down. Oh, I did get two smiles out of him tonight. One was when I was reading him his book he likes to eat, yuccy yuccy. The other was when I put peek-a-boo barn on the iPad. He loves watching the animals and their noises, but it only lasted for about 20 minutes and 3 times through.
My emotions got the best of me again today. Probably from being worn out with a fussy clingy baby and not being able to get anything done around the house. Didn't get dinner made, that was an impossible task. I had plans to make shrimp scampi with linguini. A meal that don't take long, but I don't dare cook over a hot stove with a baby in my arms. I wanted to start clearing out our computer room to make it into the new baby's room. That was impossible. I couldnt set him down and walk away without a fuss. I have to get a side cleared out as the crib and mattress are getting delivered Tuesday. Maybe this weekend Xander will be playful and not mind playing by himself for 20 minutes? We shall see. This too will pass with time.
Hubby is gone for another 3 weeks, I wish he was here right now so he could lug around our 20 pounder. I especially miss him for moments like today where I could use a second set of hands. He returns the day before his 31st birthday. Nothing special planned this year.
Tomorrow we aren't doing anything. Xander and I will hang out at home. I'm making us a pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, ham sandwich for me, Gerber veggies for baby, and some chocolate. I'm excited to watch the Macy's day parade. I wasn't sure it would be on over here, so I'm glad I won't miss it. Last year we were in Italy, so we missed it. Everyone invited us to their homes for dinner tomorrow, but I declined all offers. I just want to stay home with Xander and watch the traditional Thanksgiving day shows and finish setting up the Christmas stuff.m
Next week is my OB appointment on Monday and the anatomy scan is on Wednesday. I'm nervous for both appointments. I'm not sure I will ever embrace this pregnancy. I really want to, but I'm having an extremely hard time. My friend offered to come to the anatomy scan with me, but I'm not sure. That might be weird. What if something is wrong? I'm not sure I'd want her there trying to comfort me and talk the... it will be okay talk to me. she's going to watch Xander for me, but if I let her come with me, her husband will watch the twins and Xander. I'm not sure.
Going to bed in hopes that it will be a full nights rest. But first, I'm a bit nervous to sleep because the dosage for the tylenol the doctor gave me just seems so high. I've only been giving him .8 ml since he was 4 months, now this new bottle of Tylenol they say to give 4ml...not .4, but 4! That seems like so much for his little body. I hope he will be fine and we both can get rest tonight. Teething is definitely not any fun for my poor baby!

Have a great day!

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