Friday, September 9


At the beginning of last week, my computer decided it wouldn't connect to Wifi so I couldn't do anything.  It was rather frustrating especially since I was on a roll with keeping the blog up-to-date and I had homework to work on.  I have the worst luck with laptops (and external hard drives)!  Anyways, I'm back up and running on a new Mac.

These two are my favorite!  They are best friends.  They love playing with each other.  And they drive each other crazy.  What a good combination.

While Xander's in school, Sterling and I like to take a dip in the hot tub...or hot pool as Sterling calls it, ha!  We have it turned down right now so it just feels like a cool swimming pool.  Perfect for summer days.

Stress.  I hate it.  But it's a part of my daily life.  I had this big ole target forming on my face and Sterling was the only person who understood what I was talking about when I'd ask "do you like my target", ha!

We drive up to get Bubs before and after school.  We park and walk him the block to/from school.  While waiting, Sterling and I have some pretty good conversations and she loves climbing into the front seat!

Sterling had open house night for her preschool last week.  Little man came home with a pocket full of play money.  I sent it to school with Sis on her first day.  Her teacher appreciated that, ha!

Sterling and I found an awesome library last week.  We became members and the kids are so excited that we can bring books home.  We didn't become members to the library in Nebraska because we had to pay $100/year and I couldn't see paying that.  Here it's free, so we're members! 

We play at the park while Bubs is in school

On Friday last week was the day that Bubs was brave enough to conquer the halls of his elementary school without me {insert tears}.  My boy is growing so fast!

A lot of dressing up goes on

We are loving life on a cul de sec!

A little halloween project

Yesterday Bubs was having a rough morning and I was over it.  How in the world can a little 40 pound kid be so rude and disrespectful?!  I don't know what his problem is but he thinks he's boss all of a sudden and I'm over it.  He's going to live in his room for the next 13 years {kidding.  or not!}  Sterling and I went to grab a muffin after we dropped him off at school.

He woke up in a much better mood today and it started our day great.  His school is singing for 9-11 today and he was so excited!  He's proud to be an American!

And that my friends is our life lately!  I'm still trying to figure out a schedule during the day.  It's so hard with the kids in two different schools at two different times.  I'm doing awesome at waking up at 5, but I don't crawl out of bed until 545.  Hopefully soon I'll have it figured out!  There's just so much to do in a day.  I don't have enough arms or time in a day!

Have a great weekend!

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