Tuesday, February 16

The Sweetheart Run/Walk 5K

This year I have really decided to make it my year.  I'm a pro at putting my needs and happiness on the back burner and making sure everyone is happy and healthy.  Not this year.  I'll still make sure my family has everything they need, but I'm putting my health first.  If I have to make 4 different meals at dinner, I will.  I will make time for fitness.  I will run around with my beautiful children whom are eager.  I want to feel young.  I want to feel beautiful.  Many people judge and comment on others from their appearances.  Some people have bigger hearts even if they are overweight.  I'm one of those people.  In today's society, life is about appearances.  It shouldn't be.  You never know what someone has gone through, or is currently going through.  My mom always taught me, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it!  I wish some adults would have kinder hearts! 

So with this year, I'm going to try eating better/smaller portions and exercising.  Yesterday marked one month of no caffeinated sodas.  I was slightly addicted, understatement!  I really should have been sent into rehab.  It was bad.  I loved Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Mt. Dew.  I'd drink way too many in a day.  I cut them out cold turkey, and had a rough rough two weeks. Now I can go into a store and not even think about wanting one.  But.  There's always a but, right?!  I still drink Sprite or Ginger Ale.  Hopefully I can kick that habit too!

In early January Nick sent me an email from work with a 5k run/walk event down in Kansas City. I said no way and that he was crazy.  Well he never gave up and a week later I said okay.  He registered all of us and we started preparing more seriously.  Well this 5k was this past weekend.  And you know what?! It was fun!  It was an eye opener.  And we're going to do it again next month!

We arrived at our hotel after dinner at The Blue Moose (Xander's favorite restaurant!) and the kids got their suits on and went swimming before bed. 

While the kids swam, I dreamt I was at the beach with my toes in the sand

Saturday morning was the big day.  I was not excited, but I took my pain pills (because I've been having bad hip pain since running), got dressed and tried to pump myself up.  I look at the weather, and I was terrified!  It was only 16 degrees!  And felt like 3 degrees! Freezing!  So, we all dressed in lots of layers (5!) because we didn't pack winter gear.  You see, when I checked the forecast the night before, it said 30 degrees.  It didn't dawn on me that the 30 was in the afternoon, not the early morning!  Lesson learned.  Pack winter gear in the winter!

Part of our packet included the kids and I t-shirts.  Then Nick and I also received hats.

Waiting for the race to start...in the freezing cold!

Off we go.  The race was time chipped, so we didn't start right when the clock started. We started towards the back with the walkers because we had the stroller and didn't want to be running people over.  We are on the right, under the t in start.

 We're done!  What an experience.  We ran most of it.  Every time I tried stopping, Nick kept going.  So, I'd start running again.  He was making me mad at times because he wasn't stopping.  Just keeping it real.
The time says 50:13 crossing, however, because of the time chip, our actual time was 43:29.

The official results.  I wouldn't say it's an awesome time, but I'm super proud that I did it and crossed the finish line.  I'll work on the time, but for now, I'm going to keep my happy self motivated.

After our race, it was the kids' turn.  They did a little 80 yard dash and were so excited about it.  Xander got second while Sterling placed third.  They did great. Xander says he would have gotten first place if he feet weren't frozen.  Mom fail!  Next race buddy, you got this! 

Way to to guys!  We're so proud of you!

Truth be told, I think they only wanted the metals.  Xander wasn't satisfied at first because he wanted a real trophy.  He's a tough one to please.  We convinced him this was just as good and he wore it proudly.

Our final shots. What a fun experience.  Seriously.  I've said since 2 weeks before this new year that this was the year I would become a runner.  Maybe this was the push that I needed to get me motivated and serious?!

Did you know that I have the best husband ever?!  Really.  He pushes me just enough.  He encourages me.  He supports me.  He loves me.  All day Saturday and Sunday, he kept saying how proud he was of me and how we barely walked.  Over and over.  All day for two days.  I may have beamed so high I shone a new light.  J/K.  Or maybe not.  

After the race, we headed back to the hotel to take warm showers and rest a bit. Afterwards,we headed to our favorite resatuarnt, On the Border.  So good!

Here Nick is writing Sterling's name and she had her eyes closed and had to tell him which letters he was writing.

The best part of hotels in Xander's eyes are the couches that pull out into beds.  Good thing he's only 35 pounds!

And Sterling gets to act like a monster

I'm excited for our next race.  Yesterday I finished week 6 day 1 on C25K (couch to 5k), and my shins were killing me.  I pushed through and have been stretching like a maniac.  I'm excited for the next 10 day weather forecast.  Lots of warm weather to run on the trails. Lots of good practice, and I'm excited!

If you don't think you can do it (like I thought), go do it.  I'm pretty sure you'll prove yourself wrong.

Have a great day!


  1. Bridget, I am super proud of you as well! You crossed the finish line and that is all that matters! Love you!

    1. Thank you, Stacy! Maybe one day we could do one together. That would be fun!
