Friday, February 26


Happy Friday, friends!  A little late this week, but I've been swamped with homework, work, kids, the get the idea.

We had the best weather last week!  The sun was shining and we had near 70 degrees for most of the week.  We were outside a lot!  First though, Xander has a new obsession with playing with Wii.  

It's already time for bigger bikes, but I think we'll wait until next year.  I hate buying bikes!

After dinner and cleanup, we headed to Target to get Bubba a new helmet.  His was TIGHT!  With the impending warm weather, we decided to push bedtime back a bit, so we could get it and be ready for Friday's warm weather.  I tried really hard to convince him on a different helmet, but he needed this crazy looking one.  He's only little once, right?!

Our weekends start with dance after school and work.  It was a pretty special day, as the parents were able to go in and observe how our little ones were progressing.  Sterling has come a long way and I'm super proud of her.  There will be a separate post with videos.  So excited to share with you guys!

Sporting his new head gear!

I had some pretty excited kids when our neighbor came out to play with them.

On Saturday, the kids played outside for over two hours in the back yard while I worked on homework.  Xander raked leaves so they could jump in the pile, and he also decorated the tree with all of his rakes, shovels, and buckets.  Silly boy!

My favorite drawing of the week.  Xander drew a picture of his daddy pushing the lawn mower cutting the grass, with the sky above him.  Such a creative little guy.  I love his creative mind!

At work on Wednesdays I'm now going over to the big kid side with the two little babies I care for.  I get to see my favorite little guy and gal too.  They love when I go over.  I however, only like going over if they aren't in the room.  They never act right when I'm around.  Drives me crazy!

I'm going to work on getting the videos edited and uploaded from Sterling's ballet class.  They should be on the blog Monday morning.  

I'm working on a Multi-Genre Paper(MGP) for school.  I'm pretty excited about it, but, it takes a lot of my time.  I'm going to either do my paper on the environments that support literacy or writer's workshops.  I'm leaning more towards environments, but need to do more research to see if I can gather enough info that I would need.

Today is my last day for working Friday's and I'm ecstatic!  I took it on in December to help out the boss, but it's just too much with this class and my crazy kids.  It was just too stressful and wasn't worth me feeling run down all the time.

We're still waiting to hear where we will be moving this summer.  This is the longest wait ever!  Nick keeps asking the assignment team when the release date will be.  I tell him he needs to stop asking because we're going to get stuck here (he's asked 4 times in the past 25 days!)...and that's NOT what we want!  Once you get on it, you never get off it (Offutt).  Let's hope this popular phrase here does not come true for us!!

That's it.  I'll just be working on my MGP assignment and hubs is working all weekend.  boo!  

Have a great weekend!

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