Monday, June 22

Recovery vent and having fun in the midst of the madness

You might want to skip this post if you don’t want to hear the brutal truth.  Every person is different, but this is our story, and I want to have it documented how stubborn the kids’ dad really is.

Taking care of Nick is pretty miserable.  He’s seriously the worst person ever when he’s given restrictions.  No stooping?  He does it.  No reaching?  He does it.  Limit stairs unless absolutely necessary?  He does it.  He does them all, all the time!  What was the point of having this surgery to get any better if you’re not going to follow doctors orders?!  It’s irritating watching him do what he’s not supposed.  Because he’s to stubborn to let things go.  Having him for the next 6 weeks will break our marriage.  I know this.  It’s been 4 days since he’s been home and it’s been a nightmare.  He tells me that I told him to do everything that he’s not supposed to be doing.  That pisses me off because I straight out told him from the beginning the restrictions from the doctor.  If I see him boldly doing what he’s not supposed to, I give up on repeating myself over and over.  It’s a waste of my time.  So, yes, I did tell him to come down and eat with us one morning because I knew he was going to go down the stairs anyways.  He’d been doing it the past two days three times each day.  So obviously he didn’t listen each time I’d harp on him to stop going up and down the stairs, so I just told him what he was already doing.  I have never told him to stoop or reach…but he thinks it’s okay.  Whatever. I really have given up on him.


I set up the pool on Friday and then ended up having to run across town to get Nick more pain meds because the staff at the doctors office filled his original one wrong and only gave him 10 pain pills, when they were supposed to put 100.  Nick was freaking out that he was going to have to go all weekend without pain pills because he knew their office closed early on Fridays.  Luckily the front receptionist stays until 4:30.  After picking that up, I then of course had to go get it filled. While I was running around for Nick, his dad was in the back with the kids so they could still enjoy their pool.  They stayed outside for 5 hours!  Good thing for sunblock or they’d be hurting.

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I’m still really thankful his dad extended his stay and is here to help with the kids, but Nick don’t ask for help anymore from me as his stubborn self is just doing everything.  We (Nick’s dad and I) took the kids to the carnival on Sunday.  We needed the break away and the kids had the best time…until we had to come home. Of course.

Sterling’s favorite…the horses


Xander was brave and rode a big kid ride with Opa.  He had fun until his head was banging around.


Funny story.  They rode these motorcycles and about the fourth time around all of a sudden Sterling started screaming.  She wasn’t falling or slipping and she was securely strapped in (by me), so I wasn’t too concerned.  After the ride finally stopped, she said she was scared she was going to fall…into a big stack of tarps.  Ha!  Such a silly girl.  Xander rode this one three times.  He loved it and quickly became his favorite.


Sterling decided to take a relaxing ride in the teacups.  We then played a round of throw the bananas in the mouth of a monkey.  They both won a prize and were excited!


Back to reality…

Today starts week two restrictions for Nick and they are less than week one, but there are still some pretty important ones.  It’ll be easier since it lessens, and also because I’ve given up and will not be stressing over him anymore.  He’s a grown adult and can read the paper of restrictions. If he chooses to disobey, that’s his loss.

He also took off his dressing from the wound.  It looks like it’s going to burst open.  Makes me feel faint looking at it.  So nasty.  I texted this picture to his mom, whom is a nurse, and she says it looks clean…so that’s good, right?!


Wish the kids and I luck over the next 5 weeks as Nick will be home.  He likes to try to control our day and the kids’ activities that I have planned for them.  Drives me crazy.

Have a great day!

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