Thursday, August 15

Fraudulent activities

Three days after moving here, my debit card information was stolen.  We didn't find out until this past Sunday.  Luckily we caught it right away because the bank was able to stop all but one charge.  That one charge was refunded back to us though.
Just imagine!  We were so excited to get back to the states.  Crummy ole people are so malicious!  Maybe I'm not so excited to be back anymore?  I know though, that this could happen anywhere.  I was just an unlucky pick.
June 23rd the fraud started, but they didn't follow through.  The bank shows 3 attempts to deduct a "payroll" for $1.  The bank believes this was an attempt just to verify our account was still open.  Aug 6th and 7th, more "payrolls".  Again though, they didn't follow through.  Because they didn't follow through, it didn't show online to where we could see.  The banker could just see the activity.  Aug 9th, they go on a shopping spree!  It totaled to $432 when we caught it.  I'm just glad we caught it when we did because I couldn't imagine having anymore fraudulently taken from our account!  People are messed up!  They need help.  Seriously!

So, our banker was kind enough to let us know to use a credit card to make all purchases from, then just pay that off.  That way, if it happens again, it won't be our money.  You know, the money we have to pay bills from.  If it's not yours, don't use it without permission!  It's that simple.  

Our neighborhood is also an unlucky pick to have people breaking into vehicles at night.  Good thing we park both cars in the garage!

In our local area (not neighborhood) there have been 5 murders!  AHH!  Really!  I guess I never imagined murders here.  I think midwest of being calm, sweet, , slow moving, friendly people.  Most of which really are though.

Welcome back to the good ole U.S.of A.!

Have a great day!

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