Monday, October 1

little bits

Last week we had an amazing week that flew right by us.  On Tuesday and Wednesday we went to our friends, Pam, with Wednesday baking pumpkin bars!  Yummy!  We made 2 pans and they are both gone.  I brought home 12 bars, since it was just the kids and I.  Pam called later that night and said "thanks for the crack bars"...ha!  They were so good that she couldn't resist the temptation of them sitting so lonely on her counter top.  I actually tossed 4 of my bars yesterday.  I figured I didn't need to eat anymore.  They were good though, very good!
Wednesday night I noticed the kids had runny noses so gave them vapor baths.  Sterling loves to eat those bubbles.  I couldn't keep them out of her hands.  Let's hope that they aren't harmful to her little body.  Thursday morning, Sterling still had a runny nose, Xander was better, but I also had a runny nose and sore throat with a cough.  Us little sickies were miserable all weekend.  We stayed in, minus the daily park trip after dinner every night.  My head was hurting so bad on Saturday and Sunday.  If it would have been possible, I would have stayed in bed all day.  I was that miserable.  
On Friday night I was talking to my neighbor.  She asked how I was doing.  I was telling her how much difficulty I am having with Xander and getting him to take his naps.  She recommended getting him up earlier than his typical 830-9 wake up on his own schedule.  Well, I've been waking him up by 8 since Saturday and then putting him for a nap at 1.  He's been sleeping for 2 hours both days so far.  He's napping right now, so we'll see how long today's is, but hopefully waking him up earlier will solve this problem. 
Today, we had to get to the store and get more formula, milk, and orange juice.  I'm feeling much better, but still have a runny nose.  Sterling, well I think she's just teething.  That front bottom tooth is almost poking out.  I think by weeks end, she will be sporting her first tooth bub.  She was running a low grade fever, only 99.7 all weekend, so it has to be from teething...right?  Let's hope :)

Yesterday as I was doing laundry, I sit Sterling on the rug because she does not like to be out of view right now.  Well a few minutes later I hear Xander humming and he's sitting right next to her. I had to go grab the camera!  He's such a sweet brother.

And then he leans in to give his sister a kiss...

and I guess she slobbered too much...ha!

Today we received their Halloween costumes in the mail and had to try on the can say these two are the cutest in the wild!?!

the lion didn't have a chance against the zebra!

look how big Sterling looks next to Xander...6.5 months and 18 months (tomorrow)

We have 5.5 days until Nick gets home!  We are all beyond excited.  Xander has been loving talking with him on Skype and recently it's been the only way i can get him to get up the stairs while we're out.  I just say...wanna talk to daddy?  hurry up, daddy's waiting for us.  It works, because he gets up the stairs quickly and runs to the computer.  Cutest thing ever!
At night after the park, it's usually a challenge to get him to leave the park, so I use...let's go take a bath.  It works...but he expects the bath right when we walk in as he runs to the tub and tries to crawl in.  So, when I say things to lure him where I want him, I have to make sure what I say is on the other  It's what's working right now for us and his Mr. Independent attitude self.
I'm on the lookout for trucks or trains on underwear for him.  If you know where I can find some, oh please let me know.  He's not into Thomas the Train yet, so I don't think those will work.  

Have a great day!

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