Saturday, June 16

Oh so fun

For the past 2 weeks, our family has been planning a trip for this weekend.  2 weeks ago, we planned that we should go to Paris.  Last week we came to the conclusion that we should go to Belgium.  With the kids and my trip back to the states next month, we're trying to save money because we will be doing A LOT of flying/traveling in the states when we go back.  So with that, it's going to cost us A LOT of money.  So that's why Paris was out and Belgium was in.  We booked a rental car, booked hotel, booked the kennel, and bought the snacks/drinks. 
On Thursday the kids and I drop Hawkeye off at the kennel while hubby was in charge of picking up the car.  We hadn't talked all day because he was busy at work, so I wasn't sure if we were still on or not.  He came home around 8pm, saying the rental car gave us the Range Rover again.  I didn't believe him because this time I reserved a car instead of SUV.  They didn't, but they did give us an SUV, so that was nice. 
Friday morning comes, we get ready, write down all our places of interest to visit, get all the addresses...yada yada yada.  Time to head out.  We plan the trip to stop at another military base near Belgium so we wouldn't have to pay the European price for fuel.  We have a diesel vehicle...just like the Range Rover was.  The drive to Spangdahlem (military base) was beautiful, traffic not bad, the weather was decent, Sterling was sleeping, and Xander was screaming.  We only burned less than a quarter tank getting there.  We arrive at the base to fuel up, find the diesel pump, and Nick starts pumping.  As he was finishing, I was watching and noticed he had the unleaded pump nozzle...NOT the diesel!!  YIKES!  I freak out.  Nicks face was priceless...oh shit!  So I go pay and we decide that this trip was just not going to work out.  We could not chance driving into Belgium and the car breaking down because the wrong fuel was in it.  Calling our insurance company to come save us in Europe would take hours, so we just called the trip off and drove back home.  Hey, we got out for a drive...HA!
After we arrived home, Xander was feeling warm, no fever though.  He went down for a nap, when he woke, his nose was nasty.  Green mucus runny out, it was nasty.  I started him on Tylenol to get over the cold faster...still here today...but clear.  Last night around midnight Sterling started gagging and lost her breathe, scared me awake!  She has a stuffed up nose and I'm guessing the mucus was clogging her airway and made her gag.  From then on, I couldn't sleep because she kept having a hard time keeping her airway open.
In the end, maybe it was a good thing Nick put in the wrong gas??  Kids were able to get meds in their system sooner, and hopefully will be fully recovered very soon.  Both kids look so miserable today.  Sterling is still having a hard time taking naps today, only wants to sleep on us, so I'm imagining no sleep tonight for me :(.  Xander has been sleeping awesome with being sick, longer naps!
After naps yesterday, Nick took our BMW to wash and detail so we could take picture and list it for sale.  We should have the Volvo this week, I'm so excited. 
Today I finished my essay for class, ran to get more meds, made some pictures to send to grandparents and been lazy.
Tomorrow I plan to edit and submit my essay, write a conference, clean the house, drop off the rental car, and hope that Nick enjoys Father's Day as a dad to 2 kiddos.
Sometimes I think things go wrong for a reason.  You don't always know the reason, but you should maybe take it as a clue?

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely believe things like that happen for a reason! Hope your kiddos are feeling better.
