Tuesday, June 5

Feeling of guilt

I've been feeling guilty since quitting breastfeeding.  Lately I've had the thought of starting back up, even talking to a lactation consultant.  I quit because I was stressed out, Xander was too curious, and I wasn't producing enough to not supplement.  For the past 2 weeks this has been strongly on my mind and have been praying for guidance.  Would it be beneficial to start back up?  The reasons I'm thinking about it is because I think it would be so much easier if I could get her to latch again and produce the right amount for her demanding self.  With traveling, I wouldn't have to take bottles or worry about how I'm going to wash them to reuse them so I don't have to bring 7 bottles every where.  I'm pretty sure I can get over my fear of breastfeeding in public.  I have a cover-up, so it wouldn't be that bad.  Also, for the past 2 weeks, we have wasted A LOT of formula.  If I could put her to the breast, she would take what she wants, and everyone would be happy.  Because I'm a stay at home mom, I believe this could work.
I woke up this morning telling myself to order the supplemental nursing system (SNS) by medela.  If I do this, I would want her to be strictly at breast, no bottles.  The lactation consultant told me to start putting her to breast before every feeding and then give her the bottle.  Well, I don't see how giving her a bottle is going to get my milk producing again?  If she knows she's going to get a bottle anyways, what's in it for her to suck on nothing?  That's why I was thinking of getting the SNS.  She'd still get her feedings (my main concern while switching), but at the breast, until my milk is back flowing.  It will take work, A LOT of work, but I'm willing to make our lives easier.
Did I order?  Not yet, I still am trying to process it all.  Nick is on board with me starting back up, I told him I'd sleep in Sterling's room for a little while so he'd still sleep at night since I'd be getting up every 2 hours to feed and pump.  I'm thinking by the time I get the SNS, she'll be 3 months, but until then, I'll start pumping to see what happens.  I'm going to start tonight and hopefully by morning I'll have a few drops dripping.  Nick is worried with me getting up every 2 hours to pump I'm going to be exhausted.  I think it will be fine because after awhile, it won't be 2 hours, the time will be more spread out.  I think.  Oh, what to do!  I pray this is the right decision.  I feel that it is. 

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