Wednesday, June 20

Kids lately

I haven't spoke much on the kids lately, their fun little updates and things their doing.  So this will be a post all about them :), he's developing fast.  His personality is strong willed, determined to do everything on his own, and is a total mama's boy (which I LOVE).  He has finally begun to play with his toys independently, loves playing with balls, still my outside baby, and loves on his sister so sweetly.  He's the kid that gets his teeth in sets, so he's had some pretty miserable days.  We pretty much have all the teeth, all but 6.  Still waiting on the back 4 molars and the 2 bottom eye teeth.  He's a trooper and toughened through the pain like a champ.  He's learned to walk up and down the stairs, although I won't let him go completely on his own yet, but he's not afraid.  He hasn't learned the danger in being free-willed.  I'm so afraid one day he's going to fall and bust his head open.  He's a fast mover, usually found running, and does this with a blanket over his head.  Dangerous!  Little man scares me most days, but he's a boy and I'm supposed to let him learn.  He loves climbing on daddy and still loves cuddle time.  He's wearing 12-18 month stuff with a size 5 shoe and size 4 diaper.
At 14 months and playing ball with daddy...

Last bottle at 14 months and 5 days
Sterling...well, she's very demanding.  When she wants something, be it a bottle or diaper change, she wanted it 5 years ago!  This little girl has vocals the size of Texas!  I think she learned the demanding part from me :)  I can be very demanding...not a good thing.  She has the sweetest chuckle, laugh and voice.  She loves to talk and gets so excited when daddy comes home and goes in for kisses.  Her whole body gets excited and she squeals in excitement.  She's been loving playing in her bouncer with the toys hanging, playing on her floor mat, and most recently she's started swinging.  I'm glad she likes the swing finally.  She won't get on a schedule, but for now, I don't mind.  With going to the states next month and August, she would be thrown off anyways.  We'll try a schedule when we get back late August.  She eats a lot.  She's a child that would rather eat more often than more at once.  So, she's eating between 3 and 4 ounces every 3 hours...give or take a half hour.  She sleeps between 6-7 hours at night before needing a bottle, but then she still only takes 3 ounces.  So different than her brother.  He was already at 6 ounces every 4 hours.  She loves the warm water for baths.  Will lay there and eat her fists.  I'm glad she finally likes baths, that's my favorite time of night.  I love the smell of clean babies.  She sits up for short periods in the bumbo chair.  Loves being held facing's a sure way to calm her down when she's going crazy.  She's a big little girl, almost as big as Xander.  We've been in size 3-6 months since she was 2 months, moving to size 3 diaper tomorrow, and I'm sure will be out of 3-6 months by next month.  Her pants are already short, looking like carpi's...which is nice i guess.
Sterling in her new hats from great grandma

ready for her big girl ride

 we received this outfit as a gift and i wasn't to sure it was "girly" enough...but i LOVE it on her!

Happy 3 months baby girl
story of our lives right that's a lot of drool

Xander not feeling so well

playing outside

helping sissy

sibling love

Have a great day!

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