Saturday, February 21

Life Lately

Man, have we been busy!  It’s been over TWO whole weeks since I last blogged.  Far too long.  Going back…


February 8th, Sterling was in urgent care for a nasty constant cough.  Sent home as nothing more than a scratchy throat.  Feb 13th we were back in urgent care because her cough had gotten worse and she developed a fever and no interest in eating.  This time she was diagnosed with upper respiratory infection and given amoxicillin.  Within 2 days, her cough was down to an occasional cough and now nothing.


The week of February 9th we prepped valentine goodies for the kids’ friends and teachers and bounced in the bounce house a lot.  I’ll make a separate post on the valentine goodies (and the scavenger hunt)


February 14th, Happy Valentine’s Day!  I gave the kids a scavenger hunt first thing and they loved it!  The idea came from The Dating Divas.  I think this will be a new tradition.


February 15th, Sterling figured out how to have a dark place to sleep


February 18th, I assisted in the preschool classroom.  After I came home, I had homework due that afternoon, so I finished that up.  After I finished and had the kids home, we played three rounds of UNO MOO.  The kids got this for Christmas and didn’t really understand it then, but on this day, the grasped it and we went with it and kept playing.  So much fun when you can play a game and it’s not ruined with a kid storming off because they are frustrated.


We’ve also been using our Brain Games book to help Sterling…and Xander…become familiar with new concepts in learning.  It’s a great book!  I actually got it before our trip in December because I thought it would be great in the car, but that didn’t work out so well.  When you are prone to car sickness, it’s not always best to keep turning around.  So we had to put it away.  But, we’ve been using it a lot over the last week.  I’ve started having Sterling trace the letters with her fingers because her tracing skills need improving, so we’ll start with her fingers then move to pencils or crayons.

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Last month, Xander had the letter ‘I’ for show and tell and as I was going through things/ideas for him to take, I came up with imagination, showed him where it was and described what it was.  (He actually took a flashcard with the letter ‘I’ and an iguana) So, every since that day, he lets me know when he uses his imagination to create something.  He’s not usually that great at block building by himself, he don’t have the patience for it, but he used his imagination and created this tower.  All on his own.  He was so proud, he said, “mom, come look what my imagination did to build this big tower!”  So proud of himself!


We’ve been working out a lot and today we took a change of scenery (I go to the gym and Nick hits our home gym) and hit our favorite trail.  It was blistering cold out, but we all survived.


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