Thursday, May 19

Ballet Concert: Gone Sailin'

We've had a busy few days.  Friday we had ballet practice as normal.  This was our last Friday in the studio.  Such a sad day.  We've spent every Friday there since the beginning of September. We're going to miss it and the friends we made while dancing.

Look at her back in September

On Sunday morning we had to be out of the house at 9 so we could make it into the city in time for her practice.  Before heading out, we I thought we should take a picture outside. But the sun was bright, lol!  Shine bright like a diamond was singing through my head as she was squinting away.

Sterling's teachers mom was at practice and gave me some insight to take a video during practice because recital night you'll have heads in your way.  I'm so glad I got this one.  You'll see why at the end of this post.

Sterling is fourth on the left side.  They did amazing and was so fun to watch.

Tuesday evening was the BIG day.  The day Sterling has been looking forward to for months.  She was so excited and beamed all night.  Obligatory outside pic...

Waiting for the show to start.  We had to drop her off 30 minutes before the show.  So, we had lots of time to waste.

The video.  The big head in front of me made me thankful I already had a good video.  Big head and all, I'm still glad I shot this the night of the big day.

She's fourth from the left again

So, we dropped her off at 630 and didn't get her back until 9!  This girl was so out of it and tired at the end.  She's a trooper and did great though.

We gave her flowers and a balloon that she'd been eyeing in the market each time we'd stop in.  She was so excited to receive her very own flowers.

Excited and all, she must sleep. It was late. Like 2 hours past her normal bed time.

But when we gave her the balloon, she woke right up and wanted to sleep with it.  Don't worry, we didn't let her.

So 2015-2016 ballet season has come to an end, but I think she's going to continue.  Her instructor offers a 6 week program here that we might check out.  What a fun season we had!

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