Monday, May 4

Time for Change

Image via Google images

I’m in the process of making some changes here.  With less time needing to focus on school work, I want to capture my kids through pictures and postings about them.  They’re at such a fun stage in life with so much to talk about.  Since I don’t have many readers that comment and are probably just “curious,” I’m going to shift this blog to be more of the kiddos and their moments.  I’m going to have weekly/daily themes that I’m going to try out throughout the summer.  I’m hoping they will stick and be easier to keep me updating the blog for them.  Eventually I want to print two books each year.  One for each kiddo.  They can read about their happy times, times that frustrated them and the silly sayings they have on repeat.  Do we ever have lots of those!  So each week, one day a week, each kiddo will have a day dedicated to them on the blog.

Right now, I’m planning on these blogging prompts:

  • A week in Xander’s shoes
  • A week in Sterling’s shoes
  • MOMents (the good and bad)
  • Currently I’m… (I’m going to stop doing a “Life Lately” since that will be covered in the kiddos sections most likely)
  • New Recipe (maybe)
  • Reality/TV…I’m a junkie so this topic should come naturally
  • Friday Favorites (because I enjoy linking up and finding new blogs to read and inspire me to be my best)
  • Monthly goals

This week I’ll start with ‘currently I’m,’  monthly goals, update my blog “about me,” and Friday Favorites.  I need to create a schedule this week to work these into a weeks time and hopefully start a new tradition for our blog…starting next week!

I found this quote on Google images and found it perfect for my reason for changes.  I don’t blog for money (I will never have an affiliated link), I blog to document our family so my kiddos will have something to look back on and say “oh, that’s what I did or said,” or “wow, that looks like we had a fun time on vacation!,” or “oh my, was I a trouble maker!” Ha!

Image result for time for change

I hope you’ll stick around to leave me a comment of encouragement.

Have a great day!


  1. Aw, I love the changes you're making. And the updated pictures in the sidebar are too cute!
