Friday, April 24

Friday Favorites

Good morning!  I hope you’ve had a great week.  I have been busy finishing up my last two major assignments for this semester.  So ready to be done until June 26th.  It will be a nice break.

Linking up with the lovely ladies from Friday from Friday Favorites with Andrea, Narci, and Erika.

Onto a few of my favorites from the past week

I’ve been filling in my new favorite family planner from Plum Paper.  I love it so far!  I officially get to start using it on Monday.  I’ve become sticker obsessed for it since my sister sent me that huge stack I talked about in my last post.  I’ve since ordered more from Station Stickers on Esty, got them yesterday and love them too.  Then I was in Hobby Lobby and found more.  I’m in trouble!


My cousin had a Facebook Jamberry party and these nails have become my new favorite.  I received my order this week and now I’m ready to take off my seven day challenge nail and put my pretty ones on. I’ve never been a fan of dark painted fingernails (toes are okay), but I think I can get used to them looking beautiful Smile


My new favorite picture of the little’s.  They’re not even looking but I love it!  We went to the pond to feed the ducks, but the ducks weren’t around this day so we decided to go to the bridge and look at the fish.  On the way, I snapped this beauty.


For one of my last projects I’m working on for school, I had to do a project with 1-4 kids so I chose my kiddos since the kids at school are so busy with the end of the year stuff.  It’s working out well.  First we did the white carnation test (talked more about it on the last post on how it wasn’t supposed to turn out).  Well they turned into Xander’s favorite project.  He’d get so excited every morning as they got darker and darker.  He now understands the importance of watering plants and flowers.  Goal success!  What are some experiments that have been successful for your little ones?


Our favorite pup celebrated his eleventh birthday!  He’s old and he acts like it!  I took the kids up to the pet store and they picked out two favorite toys they thought Hawkeye had to have.  Sterling picked out a Hello Kitty and Elmo toy, while Xander picked out Oscar the Grouch and Panda bear toy.  I picked him out some bones and I think they were his favorite!


The little’s have been playing so nice most of the time.  It’s my favorite time of the day when I’m not hearing whining!  Of course we still have the “Sterling, I don’t want you to play that way” and the “Xander hit me,” but most of our days they are pretty sweet with each other.  I say way too often “keep your hands to yourself.”  Then I see moments where Xander’s helping Sterling and Sterling’s pushing Xander on the swing.   Sweet sibling moments I want to savor forever because I know that it’s just a season of their little life’s.

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I bought the kids ABCmouse this week and they are slightly obsessed!  I have to put a time limit on it for Xander because I think he’d play it until the iPad died.  Maybe I shouldn’t care because it’s learning activities, but it would be too much screen time…if you know what I mean.  This would be a kids favorite!  Do you have a favorite app your kiddos play?


Have a wonderful weekend! It’s going to be a stormy one around here, but hopefully you’ll have a beautiful one!


  1. Those nails are super cute! I have actually never tried Jamberry but hear such rave reviews. I also LOVE that picture on the bridge. Such skills :-)
    -Erin (No Bohns About It)

    1. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by, Erin! The nails take a bit more time than slapping on polish, but they are super cute when finished :)

  2. Your kids are precious!!! And that planner is too cute! Found you through Friday Favorites- Have a great weekend!
