Tuesday, July 17

Kids update

Today we had well baby visits.  Sterling had her 4 month visit and Xander had his 15 month visit.  It was one long appointment.  Not sure if it's better to do one long appt verses 2 shorter ones?  The kids were rather well at the appt.  I didn't take the stroller in with me as we were running late and I didn't want to pull it out.  Xander listens real well and stayed by my side or right in front of me.

I did bring up a conern about Sterling not wanting to put pressure on her legs.  She'll do it about once a day, but most times, she goes to her knees.  He said to work with her some more and she should pick up the concept.  I hope so.  I also asked about her feedings because she's so random.  She'll eat between 3-5 ounces every 2.5-5 hours.  He sayed as long as shes getting between 25-30 ounces in a 24 hour period, she's fine.  She is, typically 26 ounces.  She's just going to be my little eater, or has a fast metabolism.  Her head measured 40.5 cm (15.9 in), weighed 17 pounds (99%), and was 26 inches (97%).  She's going to be my little giant.  I think she's going to take after my grandfather and his side of the family.  They are all tall, so she'll fit right in.
-wears size 3 diaper
-wearing 3-6 month tops/one pieces (but can wear 6-9, mom just wants to wait before buying too much 6-9 right now since we are going to the states next month and we can shop shop shop there!), 6-9 month pjs and pants
-has so much hair that we wear a pony tail and bow on top almost every day...if not, she looks like bozo the clown :(
-only likes being held outwards
-rolls over every which way...including off the couch :(.  While Xander and I were grocery shopping on Sunday, Nick was watching her and she slipped right off the couch.  She didn't cry and didn't seem like anything was wrong. 
-found her feet 3 days ago! 
-can sit unassisted for short periods
-loves to talk and talk and talk
-chews on her toys
-reaches for her toys during tummy time (which she likes for short periods)
-started using the jumper yesterday

No concerns with him...one healthy little bean.  His head measured at 18.5 inches, weighed 24 pounds, and was 30.5 inches.  The technician didn't write down his percentages and I didn't notice until after we arrived home.  Hopefully he's not too far on the low end still.  He gained 2 pounds and 1.5 inches from his 12 month visit. 
-wearing size 4 diaper...although 3s still fit
-wears size 12-18 month clothes
-has size 4, going on 5 feet
-loves throwing balls
-tells me what he wants by trying to pick me up to take me where he wants what he wants...he's a funny little boy
-not a great nap taker...I still try to get 2 naps out of him, but it's usually only 1 or 2 really short ones
-loves playing in the water
-likes to throw sand
-I found him sitting next to his sister while she was playing on the floor and he had his finger in her mouth...it was so sweet and she was sucking away
-very whiny lately
-thows huge temper tantrums and screams really loud when he doesn't get what he wants
-loves watching bubble guppies, team umizoomi, and the hive
-loves to watch big trucks working...they're always moving and digging atour grocery store so it's a site that he loves to watch
-points to airplanes
-notices firetruck sirens from a distance so we wait and see if they drive by, when they do, he gets excited
-says bye-bye, get it, shoes, see, juice, eat, drink, ball, go-go-go...i think these are all the new ones right now

Now for today and tomorrow I'm praying neither of the children get a fever from their shots.  Sterling didn't do so well after her 2 month shots.  Here's to a better 4th month!

Have a great day!

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