Thursday, April 19

Sterling's 1st month

Our little "Hercules" turned a month old 2 days ago.  She's such a happy baby and LOVES to eat.  I stopped breastfeeding and pumping because I just was not supplying her enough to keep her happy.  I was continuously supplementing with formula so at 3 weeks and 4 days, I quit.  It was a hard decision, but after Nick went to work on Monday and I was with the kids by myself, I found putting her to the breast and/or pumping was very difficult.  Every time I'd get started, Xander would start acting out, throwing books at us, pulling on the pumping cords, just being hard to handle.  So Wednesday came and the towel was thrown in and I called it quits, 3:30 was my last pump session.  That night was hard because before bed, I'd always breastfed her to calm and soothe her before sleep.  So when she was fussing, hubby said to just put her to the breast.  Well, I can't do that if I'm trying to stop.  It was hard, but I didn't.  I held her, cuddled her, and started a new routine with her.'s working and there are no issues.  I think the reason it was so easy to quit was because Xander was raised on formula and he's perfectly healthy and happy, so she can be all that too...even on formula.  Yes, I know, breast is best.  But in our situation, it just wasn't.  I'm also not the type of person that will breastfeed or pump in public.  I'm not comfortable with it, so that was limiting us from going places.  She was/is eating every 2-3 hours.  I give many kudos to anyone that succeeds at this task.  It just wasn't for my lifestyle.
She's my little "Hercules" because she HATES being swaddled and anytime I try, she busts out of it so fast.  She's a strong little girl.  I even bought a swaddle blanket that has velcro in 4 different places to keep her snug...well she busts out of that also. 
Nick calls her little Bridget because she resembles me so much.  He wonders what she inherited from him because she looks so much like me.  I can't see it, but everyone is saying it so I guess I'll start believing it. 
Xander loves her.  He still puts his finger in her mouth to soothe her.  When I'm feeding her, he'll come up and lay his big head on her.  He tries to steal her blankets all the time, so I've started letting him bring his blanket out.  He's started trying to give her paci to her when she's screaming...but it usually ends up backwards...he's trying.  For the most part, he's really sweet to her.

Some fun facts:

~eating 4 oz. every 3 hours...sometimes sooner
~wears a size 1 diaper
~wears 0-3 months clothes
~holds her head up pretty well
~loves to lay in her newborn lounger from Auntie
~not a fan of tummy time...unless she's sleeping
~sleeps 4-6 hours at night
~not a fan a bath time yet...hopefully soon because I like clean smelling babies
~stays awake during the day for up to 3 hours!
~loves to look out the window
~does not enjoy having an outfit changed
~very loud screamer
~when she wants something, she wanted it 5 minutes ago...very impatient little girl

We love her so much, more than she'll ever understand.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. She sounds a lot like Kaylee! She hated being swaddled as well and hated (and still does) getting her diapers and clothes changed. She's beautiful!
