Tuesday, August 16

I've got a mover

All weekend I was a nervous wreck waiting for my Monday morning doctor appointment and ultrasound.  I was nervous there wouldn't be a heart beat.  I think it's because in 2008 I miscarried our baby at 10 weeks 2 days and yesterday I was 10 weeks 1 day.  The doctor could tell I was nervous and decided to do the exam backwards and give me the ultrasound first so I could have peace of mind.  First thing she looked for was to see how many babies.  Thank you Jesus for blessing us with ONE!!!  As she was moving the ultrasound wand over my belly I saw the baby move it's arm, it looked like the little one gave me a wave, like Hi Mom!  As soon as I saw that, my heart relaxed and I was at ease.  This little baby was moving all over the place, we didn't get any good pictures because baby was constantly moving, so they are scrunched up pictures.  Oh well, it was awesome to see on the screen though.  I didn't hear the heart beat, but I did see it flickering on the screen and since baby was moving all over I was okay.  Yes, I would have and still would like to hear it, but next time. 
I haven't gained any weight, I actually lost a pound.  The doctor's not concerned since it's only a pound and it's still early, I'll have 2 trimesters to gain what I need.  My next appointment is Sept 26th.  Then I'll have the anatomy screen ultrasound about 3-4 weeks after that.
I have to admit, hubby and baby did come along, but didn't stay in the room during the ultrasound.  Hubby says he couldn't breath in the small room and was getting hot and Xander was getting antsy as it was his nap time.  I was sad that he didn't want to see the ultrasound.  I began to think that maybe he thought there wouldn't be a baby there because our history and didn't want to be disappointed.  He said no, and he wouldn't leave me alone if he thought that.  That was sweet of him to say.
The nausea has pretty much subsided.  I think it has a lot to do with me taking my pills at night rather than with my lunch.  I still have bouts of episodes, but not nearly as bad, although some days are really bad still where I can't do anything.
Well here are some pictures of the ultrasound.  Like I said, they're not good, but they are our first pictures.  I wish I had pictures of Xander in ultrasound!
(pictures removed)
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Great news! I had a miscarriage in 2008 too, and understand your fears. It's a good thing your numbers were high, so you didn't have that worry so much. I'm sure it's a relief to know it's only one. Xander is getting so big already and looking adorable!
