Still haven't gotten back into the nursery to finish drawing the mural. I think I'll have it done this weekend though. I ended up watching TV this morning, cleaning up, laundry, physical therapy, then I rented movies, so i started Like. Dandelion. Dust while I was preparing supper. I read the book a few months ago, and I really liked the book. I wish the movie played more like the book. Now, I did visualize the characters while reading the book and I must say that when the movie played, they were exactly what I expected them to look like. I wish the ending played more like the book, the book was so much more would have been nice seeing her sister explain why she did what she did.
Tomorrow I'm going to watch The. Children. Are. Alright. I keep seeing it on i.Tunes, so I thought I'd rent this as well. Hubs is going to France in the morning, just a day trip.
Last night hubby decided to keep me up all night by pushing me so hard that I felt like I was flying out of the bed (exaggeration). You see, I grind my teeth at night, really bad. So he will usually give me a nudge and I stop, well last night I guess I kept grinding. So, he decided to give me some hefty nudges a few times during the night and I really did feel like I was flying. He then woke up and had a hard time going back to sleep so he turned the TV on. Oh what a night! Hopefully tonight will be peaceful. Maybe I'll actually sleep with my mouth piece in...just for it to fall out about an hour after I fall asleep...ugh! I can't win!
Have a great day!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! I hope you get some answers soon. I can't wait to see how your journey unfolds!